Henry Rosenthal, 92, of Lafayette, died at 11:40 p.m. Saturday Aug.13, 2011, at St. Elizabeth Central. He was born Oct. 6, 1918, in Lafayette, to the late Milton and Rebecca Bakrow Rosenthal. He graduated from Lafayette Jefferson High School and attended Purdue University. On May 16, 1948, he married Wilma Ellen in Lafayette and sheContinue Reading
My heartfelt condolences go out to each of you today. I deeply regret not being able to pay my respects in person. I had a delicate eye surgery on Tuesday and am unable to travel for several days.
I worked for Henry at WASK for ten years from 1959 to 1969, first as a staff announcer-DJ, later as program director of WASK-FM, and finally as program director of both the AM and FM stations. We did, of course, have our differences from time to time, but all in all, Henry always treated me fairly and graciously, and I will always be grateful to him for allowing me the opportunity to pursue my highest ambition in broadcasting---programming.
In the years since I moved on, he always greeted me warmly and seemed genuinely pleased to see and talk to me. While I was unable to attend very many of the WASK ""old-timer&s breakfasts"", it was always a great pleasure seeing him there. Sadly, I missed him the last couple of times I could attend.
My one real regret was that I never got to play a round of golf with Henry. How he loved that game!
In all my years in broadcasting, I guess Henry Rosenthal was the closest thing to a mentor that I ever had. I&ll always cherish that and will sorely miss his friendship.
Again, my sincere condolences to all of you
Deepest condolence
The Florida Carroll Family
Jeanie and I are sorry to learn of your father&s passing. I never knew him, but I know that he raised a fine son.
I&m sure you are proud of his life&s accomplishments, as he must be proud of yours.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of reflection on his life.
Jerry & Jean Phelps
I just found out today about your father and wanted to say that losing a parent has been very diffcult for me. I have been able to forget the bad time he had during his last months and remeber him when he was happy and full of life. I will be parying for your ability to rember your father in his happy days.
We so enjoyed reading about your father&s life -- he accomplished so, so much and I know you are so proud of him. Please let us know if there&s anything you need during this time, we would be so happy to help. We have lots of family here too to help. Hugs to you all -- you&re in our prayers.
Take Care,
Gary, Karis, and Genevieve
Jane and I want to express our condolences to you and your families and want you to know that you will be in our prayers in the coming days and weeks. Henry was a great friend and was always so good to me when I was at Purdue. The year that I broke my wrist and had to sit out was a very difficult year. Henry allowed me to join him on the radio and do the color for the Purdue games that year. It was always so much fun to be around him. He and Coach Joe Sexson had great stories to tell:) I will always remember his great loyalty to Purdue and the basketball program in particular. Mike Steele and I loved to play spades with him and Dick Walbaum on our road trips. I last saw your dad at Coach Bob&s 90th birthday celebration and just like I said to Mike and Suzy that day: thanks for sharing your dad with us while we were at Purdue. He was very special to all the players and made us feel like we had a second father in W. Lafayette while we were in school. I know this must be very difficult for all of you but be thankful that you have had him for so many years and use this time to honor and celebrate his life and his love for each of you.
Our deepest prayers and sympathies,
Bruce Parkinson
I am deeply saddened by your father&s passing. He was a great individual,a good friend and counselor to me. It was a friendship that started in 1965 when I arrived at Purdue as a freshman and continued throughout the years. I will miss him dearly and I offer my condolences to you. It was an honor to know your dad and to count him as a friend.
Ralph Taylor
Purdue Class of 1969
My heartfelt condolence goes out to you and your family! May you find comfort in your memories.
-Shauntel Neal
I have lost contact with you for several years now, but recognized your father&s name in the Lafayette paper. I am sorry for your loss. He was quite an accomplished man and I know you will miss him. Our thoughts are with all of you at this difficult time.
Mary Ellen (Scott) Grubbs
I was so sorry to hear about the death of your father on JC Online. It is always so hard to face the death of a loved one as you well know but may you find solace in the many memories you have of the time you had together in his long and well lived life.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Mary Ann
A valued citizen and a good friend. He left a mark and will be missed.
I was very sorry to hear of Henry&s passing, and please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Henry was one of the most remarkable people I have known. His history with Brian and WASK was well known to us at C-SPAN -- but it was when he came to work with us at the C-SPAN Archives that I got to know him well. His dedication to his work was unmatched. And he was always thinking of ways to improve the visibility and usability of the Archives. All this, and more, when he was in his eighties. He is a good example for all of us.
I will miss him.
With my deepest condolences,
Rob Kennedy
Your dad had a wonderful and long life. And, he shared his successes with our hometown in ways that will live long beyond him. I hope your memories give you solace in the days ahead.
My sympathies are with you and your family,
Betsy Liley